Ask Why Medicine
It is easy to to struggle with your health, especially when there is so much conflicting information making it complex and confusing. Join Dr. Gina Pritchard, Dr. Witt Wilkerson, and Lora Hooper as they pull back the curtain on traditional healthcare. Each episode contains powerful information to help you discover root causes of disease and a path to better health. If you aren't happy with your current health, or are seeking help, this show is for you.
Ask Why Medicine
Why should I pursue a collaborative care practice?
Episode 24: Why should I pursue a collaborative care practice?
This week, the hosts are joined by Bobbie DelSasso, RDH, BS. Bobbie DelSasso is the Executive Director of The American Academy for Oral Systemic Health (AAOSH). AAOSH is a non-profit organization which focuses on expanding awareness about the oral systemic connection.
Bobbie DelSasso tells the hosts stories of shocking and life changing interactions with patients that caused her to begin incorporating looking at her patients’ health history into her practice as a dental hygienist, and later led her to become Executive Director of AAOSH. She discusses the power of collaborative care between physicians and dentists, and adds that every time she has seen a physician leave an AAOSH event, they’ve been in awe of the new information that had been provided.
The team discuss the importance of finding the root cause of a disease rather than suppressing symptoms, and the simple tests that all practitioners can do that can not only improve, but save a patient’s life.
“If we could coordinate and work together more, there are so many peoples lives that we can change and make better just by small little things we can do.” - Bobbie DelSasso
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