Ask Why Medicine
It is easy to to struggle with your health, especially when there is so much conflicting information making it complex and confusing. Join Dr. Gina Pritchard, Dr. Witt Wilkerson, and Lora Hooper as they pull back the curtain on traditional healthcare. Each episode contains powerful information to help you discover root causes of disease and a path to better health. If you aren't happy with your current health, or are seeking help, this show is for you.
Ask Why Medicine
Why should I engage in precision medicine?
In this episode, the team follows the journey of Ask Why team member Dr. Witt Wilkerson as he shares what steps he’s taking to improve his health.
Even though he lives a healthy lifestyle and feels healthy, when Witt saw the results of his exhaustive blood panel, he was shocked at his results. However, under the care of Dr. Gina he’s been able to implement a “precision strategy” so he can move forward in his health journey. Witt shares the lifestyle changes that he’s made, including exercise, improving his sleep and airway, boosting his nitric oxide levels, improving his oral health, and working on inflammatory numbers through dietary supplements and probiotics.
Stay tuned for another installment, where we will continue to keep up with Witt's journey.
“Precision medicine means we’re not just arbitrarily taking thousands of milligrams of this and that, but we’re actually measuring the vitamin levels, we're looking at these inflammatory markers, and we're deciding how we are going to attack these issues in a specifically targeted way.” Dr. Witt Wilkerson, DMD
Perio Restore Tray
Stella Life
ProBiora Pro oral probiotic
One tablet of D3per day
B12 vitamins
Vitamin B3
Test for LPa
- Vascepa
Baby aspirin
Statins - Rosuvastatin