Ask Why Medicine

Why is my gut connected to heart health?

September 22, 2021 Gina, Witt, Patti, and Lora Episode 15
Ask Why Medicine
Why is my gut connected to heart health?
Show Notes

In this episode Dr. Witt Wilkerson is joined by Dr. Steven Masley, a leading physician, nutritionist, trained chef, author, and the creator of the #1 health program for Public Television, 30 Days to a Younger Heart.

Dr. Masley explains how inflammation, specifically gut inflammation, is connected to chronic inflammatory diseases. He discusses sugar, diet products, toxins, gluten intolerance, and how they are connected to chronic inflammation. By reducing chronic inflammation through lifestyle, we can significantly reduce heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, and a host of other chronic inflammatory diseases.

Dr. Masley explains how the mediterranean diet is one of the healthiest and easiest to follow. He breaks down the Mediterranean diet through his simple method, through a discussion on nutrient intake, blood sugar control, periodontal health, lifestyle, supplements, and toxins. Dr. Masley explains how to use diet to reduce inflammation and prevent chronic disease.

Steven Masley, MD
- Website:
- The Mediterranean Method Book:
- The 30 Day Heart Tune Up Book:

Steven Masley, MD is the founder of the Masley Optimal Health Center. His unique program empowers people to be mentally sharper, quicker, and more productive, and to turn back the clock on aging; to ensure their success, he provides an easy-to-follow five-step program, which has been published and proven to improve brain function on average by 25%. As a physician, nutritionist, author, medical researcher, and trained chef—his diverse background allows him to connect with his audience and empower them to be focused and more confident.